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//! This executable spins up the dummy hardware data manager and tries to localize
//! the updates it receives. It then displays the calculated locations on top of the
//! original locations that were used to generate the updates so that we can assess
//! the performance of the localization algorithm.
mod gui;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use cybergrape::dummy_hdm::DummyHdm;
use cybergrape::localizer::localize_points;
use cybergrape::update_accumulator::UpdateAccumulator;
use gui::engage_gui;
fn main() {
// Configure, instantiate, and start the dummy HDM.
let hdm = DummyHdm::builder()
// We're going to need a few references active to this HDM at once, so we
// wrap it in a RefCell to indicate that we want to enforce the borrow checking
// rules at _runtime_ rather than compile-time. The Rc allows us to keep
// references to the data in several different scopes.
// This is called the **interior mutability pattern**.
let hdm_rf = Arc::new(Mutex::new(hdm));
// Now we're going to shadow over the hdm variable with a reference so that
// we don't accidentially do something funky with the original thing.
let hdm = hdm_rf.clone();
// Instantiate an UpdateAccumulator with a pointer to the HDM.
let update_acc_hdm_handle = hdm_rf.clone();
let mut update_acc = UpdateAccumulator::new(update_acc_hdm_handle);
let debug_hdm_handle = hdm_rf.clone();
// Ok now this is the wonky bit. We're going to define closures to pass into
// this function. The || indicates that this is a closure that takes no arguments
// and move indicates that captured variables will be _moved_ into the scope
// of the function, rather than being borrowed.
// So, we move the debug_hdm_handle into the first closure, then .borrow()
// to turn the Rc<RefCell<T>> into an &T, which we can then call the
// .get_debug_locations() on.
// Remember that those closures are **not** being run immediately, they are
// instead run roughly every quarter second by the GUI.
let _ = engage_gui(
Box::new(move || debug_hdm_handle.lock().unwrap().get_debug_locations()),
Box::new(move || localize_points(&update_acc.get_status())),
// Once the gui terminates, we take a mutable referene to the hdm and stop it.
// .borrow_mut() takes the Rc<RefCell<T>> and turns it into an &mut T.